Abyss: The Shadow Lands There are four small pyramids here. To gain access to the first X:24 Y:7 , you must have the dead stone of suspicion which you should have gotten from the castle in the Land of Red Ooze. It was in the ring of the Demi Lich Morbius who you slew in that foul castle. (Or did you?) At the end of the first pyramid you must battle a huge skeletal beast. Its eyes are dead stones that act as the keys to the other pyramids. You will get the dead stone of Vengeance and Emptiness. In the second pyramid at X:22 Y:5 (Dead stone of Vengeance is needed to enter) you will find a trio of dead stones in this pyramid. The first is the Dead Stone of Scorn. It can be had from a large group of demons that are in the first room of the pyramid. The other two are suspended in a swirling vortex. There are several strong clues as to how to get these stones. BUT, if you can't figure it out here is the answer. Nothing alive can approach the stones and live. You must send an animated creature to retrieve them. As an animated corpse is already dead, it has nothing to fear from the vortex. To get the stones, you must get one of your PCs killed and then animate them. Then approach the vortex. When it asks for a party member to approach, pick the animated PC and BOOM. You have the dead stones of Malevolence and Repulsion. NOTE: Animating a dead body is not the same as Raising the dead. An animated body is just a zombie. The rules of Realmz apply, any animated PCs can't cast spells or receive any experience points. i.e. They are just mobile baggage. To get into the third pyramid at X:71 Y:7 you need to use the Dead Stone of Emptiness. Inside this bastion are several very hard battles. You can rescue some Tigtaurs here as well. There is no dead stone in this pyramid to gather. To get into the fourth pyramid at X:70 Y:8 you need the dead stones of Malevolence and Repulsion and Scorn. This is the place where you can complete your mission by destroying the Necronomicon. To get to the spot where you can destroy the Necronomicon, you must first get past the six obsidian guards. There is a fire pit beyound the obsidian guards. To deafeat the guards, you must use the six obsidian swords. These swords are located in two locations near the beginning of the scenario. You can get them at either location, but not both. Each guard can only be hit by one of the swords. It's up to you to figure out which sword can hit which guard before they cut you to ribbons. When you find the fire pit, click the Encounter button and USE the Necronomicon. When you toss the evil tomb into the pit, it will be consumed and thus destroyed. Having completed your mission, your next goal should be to return back to the Realmz and meet with the queen. (Just a word of warning, be fully rested as you will have a major battle to survive when you get back. There are some goodies you will get on your way out of this pyramid, have fun with them. They are quite nice.